Gregor Pfeffer
*1983 (GER), a sound artist, musician and composer based in Leipzig. Gregor Pfeffer started in music as a guitarist. Over the years his interest in art and especially sound art increased and he turned away from classical music and its structures. His work includes sound installation, performance, and composition for film and video-installations. Beside his practical work he´s interested in sociology and media science especially related to the sonic world. Gregor has a Master degree in Sound Studies at UdK Berlin.
Thadeusz Tischbein
*1971 (GER), a video artist based in Leipzig. Thadeusz Tischbein claims a fascination for art that exists only temporary in it‘s original form, but lives on in different media. That doesn‘t necessarily mean as documents – but as a translation, in which materials, dimensions and context can be changed. Working often with paper he used this easily breakable material to build sets – for use in photographs and videos. An eye to detail and an historical perception always is leading his journeys into his complex settings about everyday live. Studied art with Clemens von Wedemeyer in Leipzig and Candice Breitz in Braunschweig.